Samstag, 8. Januar 2011

Zebra G-Pen and Zebra Maru-pen

Hello everynyan, I'm just a random person who's very interested in Japanese manga culture. You can call me Bai. Let's start: 
Recently I've purchased a Zebra G-Pen and a Zebra Maru-Pen. These are pens that are commonly used in Japan for drawing manga and doujinshi (fancomics). 
I bought the G-Pen at a german online-store - - for 1.33€ for one pen. This pen is - after some practice - easy to use, and scratches only a little. It's characteristic for the G-Pen to vary in the thickness of the lines. You can use any penholder you can find for this pen. 
Next is the Zebra Maru-Pen. I got this one at that online-store, too. It costs about 1.45€ per pen. This pen is specialized in drawing very thin lines in detailed pictures. It is very easy to use, but you need a special penholder for it. You can get these for 4€ (or more) from Japanese manufacturerers like Deleter.

The ink I'm using for both pens is from Deleter too. It's called Deleter Ink Black 1. There are 5 or 6 more types of inks from Deleter too, but I'm not really getting the differences. (I haven't tried them yet.)

When I get my Tama-Pen I'll write about that too.

Test Test

First post yay